Introduction to HTML
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML is used for developing static web pages
HTML files have an extension of either .htm or .html
- A HTML file consists of many markup tags. Tags
inform the browser as to how text, images, tables, etc should be displayed.
HTML is not case sensitive
HTML standards are developed by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) []. The latest version of HTML is HTML 5
which was published in January 2008.
HTML tags
HTML tags are enclosed within
angled brackets (“<>”). The general form of a HTML tag is:
<opening tag> some text
</closing tag>
Here the opening tag takes the
form of : <opening tag> and the closing tag is of the form: </closing
tag>. The difference between the opening and the closing tag is the closing
tag contains a forward slash (“</>”). Most of the HTML tags have both an
opening and a closing tag. There are only a few tags that don’t have both
(opening and closing) tags (which will be discussed latter). As a good practice
every opening tag should have a corresponding closing tag, even though browsers
are cable of rendering documents where certain closing tags are missing. There are
many tags associated with HTML.
Structure of a HTML document
The basic structure of a HTML
document is:
A HTML document should start a
with a <html> tag. So when the browser sees the opening <html> tag
it identifies a HTML document. The last tag of the document should be a closing
</html> tag which indicates the ending of a HTML document.
A HTML document can mainly be
divided into two sections. i.e: the head section and the body section. Material
displayed (tag, text, etc) between <head> and </head> comes under
the head section. Material appearing in this section is not displayed in the
browser page. Material in this section provides information about the document.
The main tag in the head section is <title></title>. Any text
appearing between <title> and </title> is displayed on the title
bar of the browser window.
Contend appearing in the body
section is displayed in the browser page. Most of the tags defined in HTML come
under the body section.
Some times it s confused between
tags and elements. This can be explained by an example.
Tags refer to
the opening and closing tag. Element refers to the tags and the element content
taken together.
Let's start our First web page.
This is a very simple html document. First open your Notepad and enter the bellow lines.
Now we should
save the file So Follow bellow steps to
File => Save as
File should save with adding .html or .htm to the end of the file name. Eg: first.html
Then open Your
browser and open your saved file (first.html). The output should be like this
Content between
<title>and </title> of the head section is displayed in the title
bar of the browser. In the body section there is only one element, which is
<p> My First Web Page </p>. Content of this element is displayed in
the browser page.
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